NFT Scams: NFT Dupes Exposed- Safeguarding Your Investments

NFT Scams: NFT Dupes Exposed
Protect NFT investments. Spot and prevent duplicates—master digital asset security with expert insights.

Well, well, shady pixel pilferers— thought you could sneak away with our digital treasures, did you? Not so fast! Welcome to another blog in our whimsical “Dumb Ways to Lose Money” series.

Today’s artsy feature unveils the shadowy underworld of duplicate NFTs, where deception runs amok faster than crypto influencers shilling junk. From phoney clones contaminating collections to sly counterfeits robbing artists, the hazards lurking behind those rainbow sheep JPEGs are real! 

NFTs are like game-changers, rewriting how ownership works. They’ve transformed buying and selling unique digital treasures into a secure blockchain extravaganza. But hold onto your pixels – where there’s creativity, there’s cunning! Beware the shadowy realm of duplicate NFTs, the notorious replications threatening our digital wonderland.

Fear not, for this guide is your trusty map through this cryptic maze. Learn the art of safeguarding your digital gems and outsmarting those crafty copycats!

Understanding NFTs

NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, are unique digital assets created using blockchain technology, similar to Bitcoin or Ethereum

Unlike regular cryptocurrencies, NFTs can’t be traded like money or other digital currencies. Think of them as exclusive collector’s items that can’t be easily swapped or exchanged. Each token is one-of-a-kind, making them special and distinct in the digital world.

How Does NFT Work

NFTs operate on a secure digital platform called a blockchain. People create NFTs from digital content such as art, videos, and tweets, transforming them into unique digital certificates. These NFTs are like exclusive digital collector’s items, akin to having a special painting, but in a digital format.

What makes NFTs special is that only one person can own them at a time, and the blockchain ensures secure ownership. Additionally, NFTs can contain specific details like an artist’s signature, making them not just digital files but unique and authenticated possessions.

What Are NFTs Used For?

NFTs and blockchain tech are changing the game for artists. They can sell art directly, skip galleries, and keep more earnings. Smart contracts let them earn from future sales, a rare deal in art.

Brands like Charmin use NFTs for charity, while gamers own exclusive in-game items—virtual real estate trades with NFTs. Musicians and creators sell music, videos, and even tweets using NFTs.

NFTs aren’t just about creativity; they’re an investment. People hope their value goes up, like stocks or real estate. NFTs are versatile in the digital world, making them a valuable asset in today’s digital age.

NFT Scams- The Rise Of Duplicate NFTs

The proliferation of duplicate NFTs, often referred to as ‘Mimic NFTs,’ poses a significant threat in the digital realm. These deceptive counterparts may visually resemble authentic NFTs but lack genuine ownership and intrinsic value. The consequence is buyers investing in virtual mirages and paying exorbitant prices for assets that hold no tangible worth.

Scammers employ sophisticated tactics akin to magic spells, creating a façade of legitimacy through fake reviews and fabricated celebrity endorsements. This illusion of value is crafted to lure unsuspecting buyers into the trap. It’s essential to remain vigilant and not be swayed by the smoke and mirrors orchestrated by these malicious actors.

Adding to the complexity are phantom auctions orchestrated by scammers. Promising exclusive NFT treasures, these auctions turn out to be illusions, leaving buyers empty-handed and disillusioned as the scammers vanish without a trace. Navigating this NFT minefield demands a discerning eye and cautious approach to avoid falling victim to these deceptive practices.

Beeple Impersonation Scam

Eva- I can’t believe Beeple’s art! I really want to own one of his NFTs.

Max- You’re in luck, I’m Beeple! I’ve got exclusive NFTs for sale. Just send 39.4 ETH to 0xe*********************, and you’ll have a masterpiece.

Eva, excited, sent the ETH, eager for her new NFT.

Eva- I’ve sent the ETH to the address you provided! When can I expect to receive the NFT?

Max- It’s on its way; there’s just a slight delay due to high demand.

[After the conversation]

Eva- Sadly, the NFT I anticipated was just a mirage. I fell victim to an impersonation scam. It’s a reminder to be cautious in the crypto world. Stay safe, everyone!

The Tech Errors Behind Duplicates

Coding Errors In NFTs

When developers create NFTs, they rely on computer code to define the tokens’ rules, ensuring their uniqueness and intended behaviour. Yet, errors and bugs can creep in, leading to unforeseen issues.

For instance, coding mistakes can generate duplicate NFTs or mix up ownership, sparking disputes among multiple claimants. Minting, the process of creating NFTs, is susceptible to errors that might flood the market with duplicates.

Problems arise during NFT transfers between users, causing duplicates or even loss of tokens. Additionally, mishandling metadata due to coding errors can impact an NFT’s uniqueness and clarity significantly.

These errors can create confusion and misrepresent the NFT’s attributes, potentially affecting its value and authenticity. Proper handling of metadata is crucial to preserve the integrity and uniqueness of NFTs in the digital marketplace.

MoonCats Reveal Bug

Meet Sarah, a keen coder debugging strange activity on her NFT marketplace, and Alex, a user who unexpectedly mints rare NFTs from the Mooncats collection. 

One day, Alex mints not just one but multiple rare NFTs from the mooncats collection. Puzzled, Sarah inspects the smart contract code and discovers a glitch allowing users to bypass scarcity limits. 

Sarah- Alex, this glitch enabled you to mint rare NFTs without limits, disrupting rarity. I will fix this code to restore scarcity and fairness. 

Alex- I just got lucky! Still, I understand the importance of your project maintaining its original vision. 

Sarah patches the code and adds more checks to prevent further exploitation. Order returns to the NFT collection as rarity parameters are hardened. Sarah also refunds Alex to reset ownership of the NFTs minted in error.

By identifying issues promptly and undoing unfair advantages, trust in the project is restored. The incident highlights the need for vigilant debugging in Web3 systems involving digital assets and ownership.

Smart Contract Vulnerabilities

NFTs rely on smart contracts, which are self-executing agreements coded to manage ownership and interactions. These contracts, while innovative, can have vulnerabilities. It’s essential to understand potential risks in the code to ensure the security of your NFT transactions. If these contracts have vulnerabilities, issues arise.

For instance, reentrancy attacks enable attackers to exploit functions, leading to duplicate or stolen NFTs. Contracts must validate inputs to prevent manipulation and ensure security.

Gas and Blockchain Challenges

Gas, akin to fuel for smart contracts, is crucial for smooth processes. Running out during execution can cause incomplete processes, leading to problems like duplicate NFTs or failed transactions. Additionally, blockchain technology faces challenges. High transaction volumes can slow down NFT processes, causing delays.

High gas fees on certain blockchains, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, raise concerns about transaction costs and environmental impact. Addressing these challenges ensures smoother NFT transactions.

Guarding Your NFT Investments

Ensure NFT Authenticity

Stick to reputable NFT platforms like OpenSea, Rarible, or Foundation with stringent verification processes for creators. Research the creator’s background, official website, and social media profiles to confirm their identity. Reach out to them through official channels for verification.

Examine Smart Contracts

Delve into the NFTs smart contract code, ensuring it aligns with the creator’s information and the marketplace details. Legitimate projects often share their code openly. Match the NFT contract address with official sources; discrepancies indicate a potential fake. Consider seeking expert help if you’re not tech-savvy. Review the project’s whitepaper and community involvement for authenticity.

Utilise NFT Verification Tools

Platforms like QuickNode offer NFT verification services, confirming NFT authenticity and creator details. Blockchain explorers can track ownership history and check for irregularities. 

Pastel Network, designed for NFTs, employs the Sense Protocol to verify an NFT’s rarity and authenticity, ensuring artists and buyers are protected from fakes.

Secure Private Keys

Store NFTs in a secure wallet, safeguarding private keys and recovery phrases. Hardware wallets enhance security against hacks. Enable 2FA for an extra layer of protection, ensuring your NFT investments remain secure and exclusively accessible to you.


Another “Dumb Ways to Lose Money” blog concludes! We hope you enjoyed this captivating journey through the deceptive world of fake NFTs, where we unmasked the cunning strategies employed by digital deceivers.

Remember, authenticating is essential before indulging in these digital delights. With the power of knowledge, block shady characters from pilfering your precious JPEGs and stealing their thunder! 

The key is having fun but trusting carefully. Verify legitimacy, back up keys, and sniff out foul fakery to emerge victorious. Stay sharp out there and happy hunting only for the certified originals. The wonders of true digital ownership await, as unique as your imagination allows.


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