How to Stake Mirror Protocol (MIR)

Step-by-Step Instructions on how to stake MIR in just a few easy ways at the most reliable staking platforms.

Mirror Protocol Staking Overview

The Mirror Protocol (MIR) is the governance token of Mirror Protocol, a decentralized system that permits users to generate and exchange synthetic assets that mimic the value of tangible assets such as stocks, commodities, and cryptocurrencies. Staking Mirror Protocol (MIR) lets users participate in governance and security while earning rewards. Staking Mirror Protocol aligns incentives and enhances security, with options to stake or delegate to a validator, switch, or undelegate.

If you have investments in Mirror Protocol (MIR) and are looking for a way to earn passive income while supporting the network, staking could be a promising option. This tutorial aims to guide you through the process of staking Mirror Protocol and reaping the rewards.

How to Stake Mirror Protocol (MIR)

Step 1 : Acquire MIR Tokens

Step 2 : Connect your wallet to the Mirror Protocol app

Step 3 : Go to the Governance tab and click on stake

Step 4 : Choose whether to stake MIR directly or delegate to a validator

Step 5 : Confirm the transaction and pay the gas fee

Step 6 : View your rewards and claim them

Step 1 - Acquire MIR Tokens

The first step is to acquire Mirror Protocol (MIR) tokens, which can be bought from a cryptocurrency exchange that supports MIR or earned by providing liquidity to a Mirrored Asset (mAsset) pool on the Mirror Protocol app.

Step 2 - Connect your wallet to the Mirror Protocol app

To connect your wallet to the Mirror Protocol app, you need to go to the app’s website and click on the Connect Wallet button in the top right corner. Select the option that matches your wallet and blockchain and follow the instructions to connect your wallet.

Step 3 - Go to the Governance tab and click on stake

Once your wallet is connected to the Mirror Protocol app, go to the Governance tab on the app’s menu. Click on the Stake button to see your MIR balance, staked MIR balance, delegated MIR balance, and rewards.

Step 4 - Choose whether to stake MIR directly or delegate to a validator

Decide whether to stake MIR tokens directly or delegate them to a validator. If you click on Stake, enter the amount of MIR you want to stake and see an estimate of your rewards. If you click on Delegate, choose a validator from the list and view their details.

Step 5 - Confirm the transaction and pay the gas fee

After choosing to stake MIR directly or delegate to a validator and entering the amount of MIR, confirm the transaction, and pay the gas fee. Click on the “Confirm” button and follow the instructions from your wallet.

Step 6 - View your rewards and claim them

View your rewards on the Stake page under the Rewards section. Claim your rewards by clicking on the Claim button and confirming the transaction. You can switch validators or undelegate your MIR at any time from the app. To switch validators, click on the Switch button, and select a new validator.

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Best Places to Stake Mirror Protocol (MIR)

Several alternatives are accessible for staking Mirror Protocol, and each has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Below are some platforms where you can stake your Mirror Protocol:

Option 1: is a cryptocurrency exchange that allows you to stake Mirror Protocol (MIR) and earn an annual percentage yield (APY) of 49.93% by lending your MIR tokens to other users. To stake MIR in, you need to deposit some MIR tokens into your account, choose the MIR/USDT pair, and set the amount of MIR you want to lend and the duration of the loan. It is the simplest way to earn passive income from your MIR tokens.

  • Earn a high APY of 49.93% on your MIR tokens by lending them to other users for trading or other purposes.
  • Withdraw your MIR tokens at any time without a lock-up period or penalty.
  • Choose the duration and minimum interest rate of your loan offer according to your preference and risk appetite.
  • Access a large and liquid market of borrowers and lenders on, one of the leading cryptocurrency exchanges.
  • Exposed to the price volatility of MIR tokens, which may lead to a loss of principal if MIR’s value drops significantly during the loan period.
  • Exposed to borrower default risk, which may result in non-repayment of interest or principal.
  • Exposed to regulatory uncertainty risk, which may result in legal or tax consequences if laws or regulations regarding staking or synthetic assets change in your jurisdiction.
Option 2: EGG.FI

EGG.FI is a platform that offers a range of staking options for various cryptocurrencies, including Mirror Protocol (MIR). EGG.FI allows users to compare and choose the most suitable staking option for their needs and preferences. To stake MIR on EGG.FI, users need to have an account on the platform and connect their wallet that contains some MIR tokens.

  • Access to a variety of staking deals for MIR from different sources.
  • Ability to compare and choose the best staking option for your needs and preferences.
  • Filtering and sorting of stake deals by various criteria.
  • Details of each staking deal, including minimum and maximum amounts, lock-up periods, fees, and risks.
  • Ability to stake MIR tokens directly from your wallet without transferring them to another platform or contract.
  • Portfolio management and performance monitoring features.
  • Exposure to the price volatility of MIR tokens, which may result in loss of principal.
  • Exposure to platform security risks, including loss of tokens in the event of a hack or shutdown.
  • Exposure to contract bugs may result in the loss of tokens or rewards due to flaws or errors in the smart contract or platform.
  • Exposure to regulatory uncertainty risk, including legal or tax consequences if laws or regulations change in your jurisdiction.
Option 3: Mirror Protocol

Mirror Protocol is a decentralized finance (DeFi) platform built on the Terra blockchain that enables the creation and trading of synthetic assets that track the price of real-world assets. Mirror Protocol also allows users to stake MIR tokens directly on the Terra blockchain and participate in governance voting. By staking MIR, users can earn rewards and contribute to the security and development of the protocol.

  • Directly stake MIR on the Terra blockchain without needing a third-party platform or contract.
  • Participate in governance voting and influence the future of the protocol.
  • Earn rewards from the protocol fees and the inflation of MIR tokens.
  • Access all features of Mirror Protocol, including creating or trading synthetic assets, on the same website.
  • Exposed to price volatility of MIR tokens, leading to potential loss of principal during the staking period.
  • Governance risks arise as you may disagree with the majority of MIR holders or experience negative effects if the protocol changes unfavorably.
  • Platform security risk as your tokens may be lost if Mirror Protocol is hacked, compromised, or shut down by authorities.
  • Regulatory uncertainty risk as laws and regulations regarding staking or synthetic assets may change in your jurisdiction and lead to legal or tax consequences.

Benefits of Staking Mirror Protocol(MIR)

  1. Earn passive income by staking your MIR tokens on various platforms or contracts that support staking.
  2. Contribute to the security, stability, and development of the Mirror Protocol network by validating transactions and participating in governance voting.
  3. Trade a wide range of synthetic assets that mirror the price of real-world assets, such as stocks, commodities, ETFs, and more, on Mirror Protocol.
  4. Diversify your portfolio and hedge against market risks by holding synthetic assets that have different correlations and exposures to the traditional financial markets.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Staking Mirror Protocol (MIR)?

Staking Mirror Protocol (MIR) is a way of earning passive income by locking up your MIR tokens in a smart contract or platform that supports staking. By staking, you help secure the network and validate transactions, and in return, you receive rewards in the form of more tokens or interest. MIR is the governance token of Mirror Protocol, a decentralized protocol that allows users to create and trade synthetic assets that mirror the price of real-world assets. Platforms like, EGG.FI, and Mirror Protocol offer MIR staking with different rewards and benefits.

How much can I earn by staking Mirror Protocol?

The amount you can earn by staking Mirror Protocol (MIR) depends on various factors. The platform or contract you choose, the duration and amount of your MIR tokens staked, the source and distribution of rewards, and market conditions can affect your earnings. Currently, the annual percentage yields (APYs) for staking MIR range from 11.85% to 49.93%. However, these rates may vary based on the on-chain staking rewards and are subject to change.

What are the risks of staking Mirror Protocol?

The risks of staking Mirror Protocol (MIR) include price volatility, borrower default, platform security, contract bugs, and regulatory uncertainty. Stakers should be prepared for price fluctuations, check the creditworthiness of borrowers, choose a reputable platform with adequate security measures, verify the code of the smart contract, and comply with the relevant legal and tax requirements.

How can I unstake or withdraw my Mirror Protocol?

To unstake or withdraw your Mirror Protocol (MIR) tokens, you need to go to the platform or contract where you staked your MIR tokens and select the option to unstake or withdraw. Depending on the platform or contract, there may be a lock-up period, penalty, fee, or delay for unstaking or withdrawing your MIR tokens. Before staking, unstaking, or withdrawing your MIR tokens, you should check the terms and conditions of each option and be aware of the risks involved.

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